As we kick off the new school year, fingers crossed for a more ‘normal’ year, with less Covid-related disruption, Penrhos is thrilled to be able to share the fruits of our last 18 months of collaboration and planning
Strategic planning is an activity most of us are familiar with. With bright eyes and excitement (and the occasional cynical eye-roll) leaders, team members and stakeholders sit together and talk, draw and map out their blue-sky thinking. Often with support from experienced facilitators and strategists (in our case Vanessa Vershaw, CEO Reinvention), with a goal of synthesising the hopes, dreams and priorities of all, into a succinct, defining vision statement, goals, objectives and KPIs.
Sadly, as we know, often these plans, with hours and hours of effort and thought from large groups of stakeholders, end up on a website, or in a drawer, never to be seen again.
When we began this process at Penrhos College, we were determined to build a plan that was a stretch, but also achievable, and that would resonate with our teachers, students and community, and allow us to inspire them to help us in our goals.
We believe this work has led to a new strategic direction which is respectful of our 70-year tradition, grounded in the present, and with an eye to the future.
Understanding that we have a crucial role in preparing girls for an uncertain and unpredictable future, we wanted not only to encourage them to see no limits in what they can achieve, but also play an active role in removing any boundaries that currently exist.
With a vision to revolutionise girls’ education to live a future without boundaries, we see our purpose as being limitless.
Living a life without boundaries requires a true understanding of oneself – knowledge of one's talents, ability to push beyond comfort zones to learn new skills, and capacity for empathy and effective communication.
While our students consistently receive high ATAR outcomes, the College’s focus goes beyond a number, to each individual girl within the school community.
Our priority is to encourage each student to achieve their personal best. We aim to support students in exploring their passions, doing what they love and are interested in, and realising their full potential. Our staff support our girls in achieving these goals, with a focus on the whole person, not just an ATAR outcome.
In line with this holistic focus, come four commitments we make to our students and our community. We think these commitments make it clear how we’re building a school of the future, to equjp our students with the skills, flexibility and mindset they will need as they complete their school journey and enter a world of work and life that doesn’t exist yet.
No ceilings. We believe there are no ceilings to what our students can, and will be able to achieve. Penrhos is focused on preparing students for any opportunity that might arise, to give them the confidence and abilities needed to succeed in a world that will present them with unlimited and currently unknown career and development options. From both an academic and a pastoral perspective the College is focused on supporting students to develop and display vision, determination and growth to aid them in thriving in the changing and uncertain future.
Make your own adventure; Penrhos students are encouraged to forge their own path, and seek out what will fulfill them, and make them happy. Our focus is on equipping students with the skills, and confidence they need to blaze their own trail, find and pursue their passions, and take ownership of their future. To turn this into reality, students are supported and encouraged to be bold, curious and resourceful.
Find the fun; Penrhos students are encouraged to see life filled with wonder, joy and optimism. With these as a framework, and teachers leading by example, the opportunity to find fun, and seek enjoyable ways to learn and engage with fellow students is always valued at the College. We look to the positive and find cause for celebration wherever we can. Life is full of joy, and it is important to focus on that, and revel in it, on occasion.
Be a force for good; While focusing on the development of strong, resilient, creative and courageous young women, Penrhos also wants to be sure its students and graduates can contribute to helping make the world a better place. Opportunities are provided for students throughout their Penrhos journey to volunteer, donate and support those who may need it, always focusing on striving to make the world a better place. We aim for all Penrhos students to actively love, lead, and unite communities, both close to home and further afield.
Ultimately, what our girls will need to succeed is courage. Courage to challenge the status quo, courage to persevere, and courage to step outside of their comfort zone.
Our new direction, our academic, co-curricular and pastoral activities are all focused on building this as a key attribute of all our students.
We’re determined to make it happen.
At Penrhos, Courage Starts Here.