The staff and guests at Aloft Hotel in Perth are safer than most – and that’s not just a throwaway line created by a public relations department to promote a sense of wellbeing.
If you’ve been considering a stay in the Rivervale-based venue, you can be sure that should a first aid situation arise, the well-trained staff will respond effectively – and they’ve got the St John Safe accreditation to prove it.
For the past four years, the management team at Aloft has engaged St John WA to assess the hotel from a first aid point of view. Acknowledging that accidents can happen anywhere, at any time – even during a hotel stay – the team recognised the opportunity to create not only a St John accredited working environment for their staff and guests, but also a surprising point of difference.
In 2016, the team identified a need to go over and above in terms of addressing their staff and guests’ safety, beyond perhaps what was seen as ‘normal’ in other hospitality venues in the state.
“We asked St John to give us a brief of what was required for the hotel to comply with the St John Safe program, which includes identifying that there’s the appropriate number of staff who are trained in first aid, as well as ensuring there’s adequate first aid equipment and supplies,” said Aloft Perth’s HR Director, John Parker.
It’s part of a considered approach to strategic leadership which will ensure, long-term, that their staff and those who visit the property can rest assured that the company values their well-being and safety at all times.
By successfully completing the St John Safe program each year since 2016, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that Aloft remains the only hotel in WA to achieve four years of this important accreditation, a unique value-add distinction which the hotel is proud to declare throughout its operations.
“There are currently four defibrillators on site as well as a number of first aid kits which are serviced regularly by the St John team,” said Mr Parker.
According to St John WA Head of First Aid, Aaron Harding, the leadership and oversight shown by Aloft Perth should be replicated throughout the rest of the hotel industry.
“The rest of the industry should follow Aloft - St John Safe can save lives and the rest of the industry should implement this accreditation too,” said Mr Harding.
“St John visited Aloft Hotel, assessed their whole premises on their first aid equipment needs, the skills they had and implemented a consultative process thereafter to ensure they met the St John Safe accreditation.”
Creating a bespoke first aid training and services package, based on an on-site visit at a workplace gives businesses – and their staff - the peace of mind that should a first aid emergency situation arise, the right procedures, training and equipment will be in place to be St John Safe compliant.
“We are proud of what the Aloft team have achieved over the past few years,” said Mr Harding.
“They have really set the standard in the hotel industry when it comes to the health and safety of their patrons and staff.”
St John Safe assessments are available in Perth metropolitan area and select regional locations. Suitable for any size business, sports club, school or day care centre to ensure systems are in place for a first aid ready workplace.
Call on 9334 1233, complete the online enquiry form, or email us at: stjohnsafe@stjohnwa.com.au
St John WA is following Government and Clinical procedures in the provision of this service given the COVID-19 outbreak.