Tim Maclean brings more than 25 years of senior management and hands-on technical and production experience in the mining industry. He built from scratch the US$3 billion Mineraçao Onça Puma nickel laterite processing plant in Brazil for Vale and managed its subsequent operation including the plant’s 1900-person workforce. Mr Maclean also managed Inco’s (now Vale) Indonesian nickel laterite operations which has an annual average output of 169 million pounds of nickel, and ran Rio Tinto’s Palabora copper smelter and refinery in South Africa which
produces around 120,000 tonnes of copper metal per year. As refinery manager of Alcoa's Kwinana aluminum refinery in Western Australia, he managed its 950-person workforce. This refinery, which produces over $1 billion of specialty alumina products per year, is located within the Perth metropolitan area and is proximal to numerous residual communities. The Kwinana operation achieved some of its best safety and environmental performance during his time at this plant which is a testament to Mr Maclean’s strong personal commitment to the environment, local community engagement, and workforce safety.