Tarun Kanji has over 25 years' corporate and consulting experience across the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Mr Kanji spent over 10 years with international accounting firms spanning corporate advisory, valuation, finance, litigation support, recovery and audit disciplines in New Zealand and Europe. Mr Kanji held a number of senior executive roles over 10 years with Fosters Group, which covered a range of disciplines including finance (CFO), commercial management, business development, mergers & acquisitions, governance, and strategic development roles. Mr Kanji is independent chair of Tomizone, and is involved in a number of internationally focused ventures which included the commercial globalisation of a search technology software company, focused on the US and Asian markets. Mr Kanji was also founding chair at Bank of India, New Zealand, a board member at Inland Revenue NZ - Portfolio Governance Authority, chair at Noske Kaeser, and director at FairWay Resolution, NZ Crown Entity.