Susie Smith has over 20 years of industry experience including strategic planning, major project approvals, native title, public affairs, and corporate social responsibility.
Ms Smith is the chief executive of Australian Industry Greenhouse Network, a network of leading industry associations and individual businesses which see value in joint industry dialogue on climate change to promote sustainable development. She is also a member of the Minister’s Expert Panel on low emission technology 2019 (the King Review) and a member of the Australian Clean Energy Regulator’s Method Advisory Panel on the emissions reduction fund.
Ms Smith is the Australian representative on the International Gas Union’s Group of Experts on Methane Emissions. This global group is tasked with improving the measurement, reporting and reduction of methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Prior to joining AIGN, she spent over 13 years as general manager of strategy and climate change for Santos. She has also held board positions with Water Polo Australia, and the CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment.