Dr Sophie Davison is a consultant forensic psychiatrist at the Clinical Research Centre of the North Metropolitan Area Mental Health Service in Perth, and an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Western Australia. She was appointed as Western Australia's first chief medical officer in mental health by the McGowan Government in July 2020, which is a new position within the Mental Health Commission, to help strengthen consumer- and community-focused clinical care and its leadership role in the sector. Prior to that appointment, Dr Davison has been the deputy chief psychiatrist in Western Australia and has been leading the clinical mental health response to the COVID-19 pandemic within the Department of Health for four months. Dr Davison’s research interests are in the mental health of prisoners. She has published peer reviewed papers and book chapters in the field of personality disorders, forensic psychiatry, women’s mental health problems, assessing risk in mentally disordered patients, and managing patient violence. She is also involved in teaching these subjects to a range of professionals.