Hon Sheila McHale is the chief executive of Palmerston Association, one of WA’s foremost not-for-profit drug and alcohol rehabilitation services. Her focus is to strengthen the governance and strategic direction of the organisation, explore opportunities for growth as well as overall responsibility for the organisation and its business and financial operations, external stakeholder relationships and leadership to the organisation. Ms McHale is a former Member of Parliament for 12 years and a cabinet minister for 8 years during which time she held a range of portfolios including Tourism, Consumer Protection, Community Development, Culture and the Arts, and Disability Services. Ms McHale is a member of the national advisory body to the ACNC, state councillor on the Governance Institute of Australia (WA), vice chair of the peak association WANADA, and a member of CCI’s Health and Community Services Forum. She is a Fellow of AIMWA, a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a certified member of the Governance institute of Australia.