Ryan Keys has a background in town planning and was previously the Executive Director Planning at the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, and the Chief Executive Officer for The East Perth and Subiaco Redevelopment Authorities. While at MRA, he was responsible for overseeing the project initiation, urban design, strategy and innovation, and statutory planning across MRA's redevelopment areas of Central Perth, Armadale, Midland, Scarborough and Subiaco. Mr Keys was the director of planning for EPRA and the Subiaco Redevelopment Authority that were responsible for the delivery of projects including Perth City Link, Riverside, Perth Cultural Centre and Subi Centro. He is currently the Head of Statutory Planning and Approvals at DevelopmentWA where he is responsible for the planning programs across all of DevelopmentWA’s redevelopment areas. He also has extensive town planning experience across local and state government, and private consultancy in Western Australia and New South Wales.