Robert Brierley is an experienced company director with significant operational experience in many mining operations including acting as registered mine/quarry manager at Yandi, Marandoo and Koolan Island high grade DSO iron ore mines. Whilst working in the mining industry, he spent 10 years as an engineer, superintendent, project manager and registered mine manager in Australia with
Alcoa, Henry Walker Eltin, Roche Mining, and Western Mining. His experience spans gold, base metals, iron ore, coal, and bauxite in the exploration, feasibility study, project development and production phases. Mr Brierley holds a Bachelor of Mining Engineering and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He is experienced in project and mine management, corporate finance, leadership, corporate governance and equities research. Mr Brierley has 15 years of experience in financial markets including as head of equities research at Patersons Securities where he was responsible for the management of a team of up to 20 research analysts and support staff within Australia. Mr Brierley also sat on numerous boards as an executive and non-executive
director in industrial and resources companies. He has been closely involved with the listing of several companies through their prospectus preparation and capital raising processes. Mr Brierley is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.