Reece Waldock has over 26 years of experience in strategic management with particular expertise in organisational reform.
He held a number of senior executive roles within the Department of Commerce and Trade and Department of Transport from the early 1990s through to the end of 2000. Prior to his career with the WA public sector, Mr Waldock held a number of senior management roles with BHP. In December 2000, following the sale of the rail freight business of the Western Australian Government Railways Commission, Mr Waldock acted in the position of Commissioner of Railways. With the creation of the PTA on July 1, 2003, he was appointed as the inaugural chief executive and oversaw the integration of all state-wide public transport services, together with a major construction program which included the Mandurah Railway. In May 2010, the State Government integrated WA’s three key transport agencies and Mr Waldock was appointed to head the transport portfolio, consisting of the Department of Transport, Main Roads WA and the PTA. This has heralded a new direction for the portfolio of single point accountability, a whole of portfolio approach and ensuring we get the transport system right.
Mr Waldock has been a commissioner of the Western Australian Planning Commission, a director of Lifeline WA, Leadership WA, and the Australian Urban Design Research Centre. He has also been chair of the Gateway WA, Perth City Link, MAX Light Rail, Airport/Forrestfield Rail Link, the new Perth Stadium Transport steering committees, Kimberley Ports Authority, and PATREC (Planning and Transport Research Centre) which collaborates with experts and researchers from the University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia, Western Australian Planning Commission and the Western Australian Local Government Association.