Raymond Muskett is an experienced geologist in both mining and exploration. He is a graduate of the WA School of Mines in Kalgoorlie. Mr Muskett formulated various concepts and supporting databases that have been orientated to the identification of Olympic Dam style ore bodies and other large volcanogenic gold/copper deposits. He has a BAppSc in Geology and over 30 years of experience as a geologist specialising in gold exploration in Australia and overseas. He has well rounded professional experience covering gold and other mineral commodities (including
nickel, diamonds, copper, zinc, tin, tantalum). Mr Muskett has open pit and underground mine experience. He also has applied experience in metallurgy, chemical processing and developed an
internationally patented technology in chemical processing. Further to this, Mr Muskett brings close relationships with prospectors and miners in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia which will offer CMY new ground acquisition opportunities. Mr Muskett had secured areas that led to significant new gold discoveries. He has previous experience as executive director with ASX-listed and unlisted public companies including Falcon Minerals, Brimstone Resources and Newmex Exploration. Mr Muskett is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.