Raymond Da Silva Rosa is a Winthrop professor of finance at the UWA Business School, and chair of UWA academic board and council.
Prof Da Silva Rosa lectures in investment analysis and advanced corporate finance. He has taught mergers & acquisitions and investments to MBA classes at UWA and Melbourne Business School. He has also presented a behavioural finance unit at the Stern School of Business, New York University.
Prof Da Silva Rosa is co-author of the first Australian edition of Investments by Bodie, Ariff, Da Silva Rosa, Kane & Marcus (published by McGraw-Hill, June 2007).
He was president of the Accounting & Finance Association of Australian & New Zealand and a member of the Editorial Board of Accounting & Finance Journal, the premier Australian academic journal in its field. In 2018, he was a member of the three-person independent panel reviewing the Economic Regulation Authority Draft Rate of Return Guidelines. Prof Da Silva Rosa is also a member of the Queensland Competition Authority's panel for advice on the appropriate weighted average cost of capital for delivery of utility services.