Pierre Yang is the Labor Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Council for North Metropolitan Region.
He had previously represented the South Metropolitan Region from 2017 to 2021. In the 2022 cabinet reshuffle, he became a parliamentary secretary to Simone McGurk (Minister for Training; Water; Youth) under the McGowan government.
Following the resignation of Mr McGowan in June 2023, Mr Yang kept his portfolio as Parliamentary Secretary to Simone McGurk (Minister for Training, Water, and Youth) under the Cook government. In a cabinet reshuffle in December 2023, he became Parliamentary Secretary to Amber-Jade Sanderson (Minister for Health and Mental Health).
Prior to politics, Mr Yang was a member of Gosnells City Council. He joined the Australian Army Reserve in 2006, and as Captain was assigned as a liaison officer and translator on board the Chinese salvage/rescue vessel Dong Hai Jiu 101 during the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.