Based in Washington DC, former Commissioner Philip Moeller left the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in October 2015 as not only the second-longest serving member in the history of FERC, but also the only person in the federal government in a Senate-confirmed position who was nominated by both President George W Bush and President Barack Obama. While serving on the Commission, he focused on policies that encouraged the construction of additional electric transmission and interstate natural gas infrastructure and policies promoting well-functioning wholesale markets. He was a national leader in promoting improved coordination between the electric industry and the natural gas industries as the United States moves towards burning significantly more natural gas to meet electricity demand. Prior to serving on the Commission, Mr Moeller headed the Washington office of Alliant Energy, worked in the Washington office of Calpine Corporation, and served on the Washington DC staff of Senator Slade Gorton. He was previously the staff coordinator of the Washington State Senate Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee in Olympia, Washington.