Professor Peter Robertson joined the UWA Business School in July 2009. Prior to this, he was an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales and an Assistant Director at the Research Division of the former Productivity Commission. He was educated at the University of Otago, the University of New England and Simon Fraser University. Prof Robertson has been a visiting Scholar at the University of Otago, The University of British Columbia and Rutgers University. His research is focused on the interactions between economic growth, economic development and international trade from a theoretical and applied perspective. This includes analytical studies of transitional growth and economic miracles in East Asia, China and India. He has also written on human capital accumulation, trade and environmental issues, the causes of long run growth through history, corruption, and immigration. Prof Robertson has also served as an expert consultant to the Productivity Commission and to the Department of Innovation, industry, Science and Research. His research is published widely in prestigious economics journals such as International Economic Review, Review of International Economics, Economic Theory, Oxford Economics Papers and Explorations in Economic History.