Peter Millington obtained a biological science degree at Flinders University and pursued his marine interests by undertaking an Honours degree in marine science at James Cook University. He has a Masters Degree in Environmental Studies at Adelaide University before obtaining an overseas study scholarship to undertake a Masters Degree in Marine Science at the University of British Columbia, specialising in fish population dynamics. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mr Millington was the chief executive of ChemCentre until his retirement in 2017, after leading the statutory body since 2009. Prior to taking up the ChemCentre appointment, he was the acting chief executive of the Department of Fisheries between 2006 and 2008, and was responsible for policy and operations in that Department between 1992 and 2006 where he implemented a series of Government reforms to take WA’s fisheries into the future. He introduced new management arrangements for most of WA’s commercial fisheries, implemented a framework for recreational fishing and increased the focus on habitat protection in the estuarine and marine environments. Mr Millington was also involved in policy development, monitoring and management of Commonwealth fisheries, and foreign fisheries operating in the Australian Fishing Zone. He also convened two international conferences and chaired many national fisheries and marine environment committees.