Peter Mansell was a corporate and resources lawyer with over 35 years of experience. He was the managing partner of Freehills' Perth office.
Mr Mansell has been one of Western Australia's busiest directors. 2008 to 2009 was his annus horribilis - dealing with the collapse of Great Southern, Kerry Stokes' boardroom spill at WA Newspapers (now Seven West Media), and the disastrous merger of Zinifex and Oxiana to form OZ Minerals.
He was also chair of Zinifex, JDV, Alocit International, Great Southern, Bunnings Property Trust, Foodland, Tethyan Copper, OZ Minerals, Western Power and Nyrstar.
He holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws, and a Higher Diploma in Tax Law from the University of Witwatersrand.