Peter Lansom holds a Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering (Honours) degree from the University of NSW and has over 25 years of experience in conventional and unconventional exploration and development, working with Comet Ridge, Eastern Star Gas (ESG), Origin Energy and Santos. He has significant expertise in subsurface engineering, asset valuation, field development planning, as well as commercial and corporate finance. In his past role at Origin, in the key management position of chief petroleum engineer, he had responsibility for delivering the corporate year end petroleum reserves report and ensuring that consistently high standards in sub-surface engineering were maintained across the company’s assets. As executive director at ESG, Mr Lansom had overall engineering responsibility for the exploration and pilot development of the company’s CSG assets in NSW which resulted in certifying 3P reserves of over 3500 PJ over a 5-year period, and saw the company grow to a $900 million market capitalisation.