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Peter Kift

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Peter Kift
Peter Kift

Peter Kift is an accountant with a Bachelor of Business degree & more than 30 years of experience in the private, government, not-for-profit & community sectors. He has a wealth of business experience with a primary focus on finance and management matters. Mr Kift is an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management & a member of the Institute of Public Accountants (formerly the National Institute of Accountants). He was the honorary treasurer for ATOM in Victoria and has been a production accountant on numerous independent film & television productions. In May 2013, Mr Kift completed a menteeship under the Australian Institute of Management Mentorship Program. During 2015, he was selected as a state finalist in the Australian Institute of Management Excellence Awards - Non-profit Manager category. In January 2016, Mr Kift was selected as a "member representative" on the Australian Institute of Management WA's "Senior Leaders Network" for 2016/17 and recently became a recipient of the Australia Council's inaugural Arts Leaders Program.

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