Peter Grant has over 45 years of experience in the upstream oil and gas industry, specialising in exploration and production. He also has extensive work experience in Africa, South-East Asia, Middle East, South America and Australasia; and has led successful teams that have made oil and gas discoveries in the UK, Australia, Algeria, Libya, Sierra Leone and Mauritania.
Mr Grant is an experienced geoscientist with expertise in corporate strategy, business development, commercial negotiations, and portfolio management.
He joined Woodside Energy in 1995 as an exploration manager of North Australia from 1995 to 1997; international exploration manager from 1998 to 2003; general manager UK from 2000 to 2006; general manager of international exploration from 2006. He left Woodside in 2013 to form his advisory company, International Energy Solutions and provides exploration, commercial and business development advice to oil and gas companies and governments.
Mr Grant was president of the Asia Pacific Region for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. He is a national director (WA) of the Arab Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has been their state chair for Western Australia for 7 years, and a board member of the Australia Korea Business Council of WA.
He holds a Bachelor of Honours in Geology from Nottingham University in UK.