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Penny Taylor

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Penny Taylor
Penny Taylor

Penny Taylor completed her studies as a geologist at Sydney University before moving to the Pilbara to work in the mining industry.

Living in Port Hedland, Ms Taylor held various roles in operations and project management and, together with her husband, started a family business servicing the resources industry. The family moved to Perth following the birth of their youngest daughter.

Ms Taylor has previous local government experience as a councillor at the Town of Port Hedland and ran for the seat of Nedlands in the 2017 State Election. This experience, and meeting local residents on her campaign trail, prompted Ms Taylor to run for Mayor at the City of Subiaco, a role she held from 2017 to 2021.

She is also involved in various organisations including the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, UWA Little Athletics, Rosalie Primary School, Shenton College and St Matthews Anglican Church in Shenton Park.

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