Pauline Bagdonavicius PSM has served in the Western Australia public sector for over 40 years, particularly in social welfare areas. She initially trained as a nurse and social worker, and subsequently held a number of senior roles in the former Departments for Child Protection, Community Development, Family and Children's Services, and the Attorney
General. As a Public Advocate since 2008, she is the guardian of last resort for more than 2200 Western Australian adults. She has a lead role in policy development in the guardianship and related fields in Western Australia. Her leadership has led to important changes in legislation and policy to enhance the way vulnerable members of society are cared for and protected. Ms Bagdonavicius has been recognised for her leadership in addressing the issues of elder abuse in Western Australia and nationally. She has also been a key Western Australia respondent for the Royal Commission for Aged Care Quality and Safety, and the submission to the Western Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices. In 2020, Ms Bagdonavicius was awarded a Public Service Medal for outstanding public service, particularly through advocacy roles in Western Australia.
Pauline Bagdonavicius
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Pauline Bagdonavicius
Public Advocate / Department of Justice