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Paul Whyte

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Paul Whyte
Paul Whyte

Paul Whyte had more than 25 years of experience in management of government property and finance before being arrested in 2019 on charges of fraud. He was the assistant director general of WA's Department of Communities but was suspended from duties, and subsequently terminated from employment before his $22 million theft was fully exposed by the Corruption and Crime Commission.
Prior to that, he was with the Department of Housing as general manager of commercial business operations, and also spent six months as acting chief executive at Landgate where he was a member of the corporate executive for five years. He commenced work at Landgate in 2000 after the amalgamation of the Valuer General’s Office and the Department of Land Administration. He was a member of the Valuer General’s corporate executive team, holding positions of corporate manager and manager of research and development. Prior to that, Mr Whyte was a financial policy advisor to the WA Treasury Corporation and worked in the private sector as a company director of several small medium enterprises. Mr Whyte holds a Bachelor of Commerce, a Masters of Business Administration, and achieved his Certified Practising Accountant certificate. He's currently serving 12 years jail.

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