Paddi Creevey OAM is a resident of Dawesville and was a Councillor for the City of Mandurah from 1994 until being elected Mayor in 2005, an office she held until her retirement in 2014. During her long period of service to Local Government, Ms Creevey served on several boards and committees including the Peel Region Scheme Planning Committee, Local Government Advisory Board, Ministerial Working Group for Greater Participation of Women in Local Government, Peel Inlet Management Council and Peel Development Commission. She was awarded the Centenary Medal, the Order of Australia Medal in the General Division of the Queen’s Birthday 2010 Honours List and was inducted into the inaugural WA Women’s Hall of Fame in 2011. Ms Creevey is chair of Challenger Institute of Technology and is involved in a number of community groups including being chair of West Aus Crisis and Welfare, Community Solutions and Peel Community Development Group. She is committed to the Peel region and its sustainable development into the future.