Murray Thornhill heads up the business and government division of HHG Legal Group. He was admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, and the Federal and High Courts in 1998. His background involves significant experience working for a leading boutique litigation firm, a top tier national firm and an historic regional practice. Since 2003, Mr Thornhill developed and led HHG’s success in construction, insolvency, employment, trusts and estate litigation and corporate/commercial dispute resolution. He has developed the firm’s Local Government expertise and has represented clients in most Courts and tribunals in WA and the Federal and High Courts. Mr Thornhill also presents at a variety of seminars for the firm and for clients, as well as external legal education bodies, and has contributed to various legal publications in all of these areas of practice. He oversees HHG staff training, including CPD, and is responsible for the firm's Quality Practice certification. He is a member of the peak Alternative Dispute Resolution body, LEADR and sits on the Law Society of WA's Quality Practice Standards committee. Mr Thornhill is involved with training programs for members of the Great Southern Master Builders Association and is active in the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a member of the Law Council of Australia Business Law & Litigation Sections, a Fellow of the Australian & New Zealand College of Notaries, a member of the Society of Construction Law, and a member of the Australian and New Zealand Education Law Association. For many years, he has also advised substantial charities, school associations, principals, board members and other non-profit bodies on their unique legal challenges.