Michael Franklin is an experienced finance executive with broad experience in all aspects of accounting, financing and financial management. He has direct experience with agri-businesses, publishing, business intelligence software development and marketing, mining and minerals processing, food retailing and wholesaling, construction, engineering, property development, online software development and marketing.
Mike Franklin
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Mike Franklin
Chief Financial Officer / Alterra
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
179th | Alterra | $125.40k | |
181st | Stargroup | $75.33k | |
182nd | Pura Vida Energy | $74.20k | |
183rd | - | BlinkLab | $36.96k |
184th | Connected IO | $27.39k |
196 public companies - industrial WA ranked by total revenue
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Mike Franklin is linked to 6 organisations which are included in 1 list - Public Companies - Industrial WA.
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