Michael McGilvray began as a civil engineer before completing an Accounting degree, becoming a CPA and working in senior financial roles for over 25 years. His experience includes 12 years as chief financial officer and company secretary of listed companies. Mr McGilvray has been an executive director of a listed company for three years and was acting chief executive for 12 months at Parker Centre, a not-for-profit Cooperative Research Centre. He is also a part-time finance manager of MinEx CRC, a Cooperative Research Centre involved in new deep drilling technologies for the mining sector, and had worked in the real estate industry providing management accounting support to a number of organisations and running a Financial Management Skills training course for REIWA.
Michael McGilvray
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Michael McGilvray
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
176th | Blossomvale Holdings | $163.00k | |
178th | Nanoveu | $130.12k | |
179th | Alterra | $125.40k | |
180th | - | Serpentine Technologies | $106.95k |
181st | Stargroup | $75.33k |
196 public companies - industrial WA ranked by total revenue
Related Information
Positions - Previous
Position | Company | Year | Company's current rank |
Financial Controller, Joint Company Secretary
2005 - 2006 | 176 | |
Chief Financial Officer, Joint Company Secretary
2004 - 2005 |