Michael Hawker AM has substantial expertise and experience in the financial services industry including management experience in regulated entities in Australia and internationally, and a deep understanding of risk management.
He was chief executive and managing director of Insurance Australia Group from 2001 to 2008, and held senior positions at Westpac and Citibank. Mr Hawker was also president of the Insurance Council of Australia, chair of the Australian Financial Markets Association, a board member of the Geneva Association, and a member of the Financial Sector Advisory Council. He is a director of Aviva Group, the largest insurance provider in the UK, the lead independent director of Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company, a non-executive director of Rugby World Cup, and chair of the George Institute for Global Health.
In 2010, Mr Hawker was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for services as a leader in the banking and finance industries, and to the community, particularly through the development of corporate mentoring programs in schools.