Michael Fitzpatrick has over 37 years' experience in the financial services sector. Mr Fitzpatrick is chair of Pacific Current Group (formerly Treasury Group), an incubator of fund management companies. He is also chair of the Australian Football League, and holds a number of other non-executive directorships with Infrastructure Capital Group, Carnegie Wave Energy and Latam Autos. In 1994, Mr Fitzpatrick founded Hastings Funds Management, the pioneering infrastructure asset management company, and was managing director until he sold his interest in 2005. Hastings was then one of the largest managers of infrastructure and alternative assets in Australia (including infrastructure, high yield debt, private equity and timberland) managing investments of approximately A$3.8 billion. Mr Fitzpatrick was a director of a number of Hastings’ managed investments, including Pacific Hydro, GlobalRenewables, Utilities of Australia, Australian Infrastructure Fund and Australia Development Group (the holding company of Perth Airport). Prior to establishing Hastings, Mr Fitzpatrick was director of CS First Boston. He also previously held positions with Merrill Lynch and First Boston in New York, the Victorian Treasury and Telecom Australia. Mr Fitzpatrick was chair of Victorian Funds Management Corporation and Australian Sports Commission, director of Rio Tinto, member of the Melbourne Park Tennis Centre Trust, director of the Carlton Football Club, and director of the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Mr Fitzpatrick has a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours from the University of Western Australia, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honours from Oxford University where he was the 1975 Rhodes Scholar from Western Australia