Michael Dunbar is a geologist with over 25 years of experience in exploration, resource development and mining projects within Australia and overseas. He has been active in exploring and developing a broad range of deposit styles and commodities from Nickel Sulphide deposit development, Archaen and Proterozoic Gold, IOCG copper and gold deposits and sandstone hosted uranium deposits.
Mr Dunbar was involved in the discovery, delineation and development of the +2Moz Thunderbox gold deposit, the discovery and delineation of the Waterloo and Amorac Nickel Sulphide deposits in Western Australia, the delineation of the Munali Nickel Sulphide deposit, the Mirabella Nickel Sulphide deposit, the IOCG - Cloncurry Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Magnetite as well as a number of smaller deposits.
Mr Dunbar’s experience includes 4 years with Eagle Mining NL, 6 years with LionOre (now Norilsk Nickel), and 6 years with the Mitchell River group of companies including Albidon, Mirabela Nickel, African Energy, Sally Malay Mining (now Panoramic) and Exco Resources. He was the founding managing director and chief executive of Mamba Exploration from January 2021 until his appointment as managing director and chief executive of Emmerson Resources in July 2023.