Michael Chye has over 25 years’ experience in finance and investments. He commenced his career in academia and subsequently worked for the Singapore Government and multi-national companies before joining the TCC Group. He was also an independent director and audit committee chair of publicly listed companies in Singapore. Mr Chye is the managing director of IMC Investments Group and Head of Group Corporate Office of the IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group since April 2012. In this capacity, he oversees the strategic development of IMC Investments and is also responsible for the group’s various corporate functions. Mr Chye is also non-executive director of Heritas Capital Management, the investment manager of multiple private equity funds which include specialist funds in mining and metals and oil and gas sectors. He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Studies (with First Class Honours) and a Masters (with Distinction) from Massey University, New Zealand. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors and an Associate of the Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.