Mark Polglase is a founding director and chief executive of Growth Partners. He commenced his career at one of Perth’s leading insolvency companies, Ferrier Hodgson, where he worked for eight years as an insolvency accountant. In 1995, Mr Polglase moved to the ITP Mandurah branch and by 1997, he took over the South West franchise and the vision for Growth Partners was formed. Mr Polglase holds a Bachelor of Business from Curtin University. He is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and CPA Australia. He is also a registered tax agent and an approved SMSF Auditor. Mr Polglase is the school board treasurer of Frederick Irwin Anglican School and had held a position for more than 10 years on the Small Business Centre Committee in Mandurah. He also assists in other local sporting clubs and groups.