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Marise Payne

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Marise Payne
Marise Payne

After growing up in Sydney and the NSW Southern Highlands, Marise Payne went on to complete her education at MLC School, Burwood and obtained a Bachelor of Arts and Laws from the University of NSW.

Ms Payne was first elected to the Senate for New South Wales in 1997. A member of the Liberal Party since 1982, Ms Payne was the National Young Liberal Movement's first female President. She also served on the NSW Liberal State Executive for 10 years, at branch and electorate levels. Ms Payne was the Minister for Foreign Affairs (from 2018) and Minister for Women (from 2019) until May 2022 following the defeat of the Liberal Party at the federal election. In June 2022, Ms Payne became the Shadow Cabinet Secretary in the Dutton shadow ministry. She retired from politics at the end of September 2023, after more than 26 years in federal parliament.

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