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Linda Savage

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Linda Savage
Linda Savage

Linda Savage is a former member of the Western Australian State parliament, Member of the Legislative Council, director of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, and member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

She has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Science from the University of WA, and Law degrees from the University of Cambridge and UWA.

As a lawyer, Ms Savage has been active in law reform and establishing services for women and children. She has served on a diverse range of boards including the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Women Lawyers of Western Australia and the Reproductive Technology Council of WA.

She is a board member of the Youth Legal Service and Board of Management of the National Drug Research Institute. Ms Savage is leading the “Valuing Children Initiative” for Centrecare and Parkerville Children & Youth Care.

In June 2021, Ms Savage was appointed a member of the WA government's newly-formed Voluntary Assisted Dying Board which ensures adherence to the legislation and report to the State Government as necessary on quality and safety improvements related to voluntary assisted dying.

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