Leo Tsaknis has over 35 years of legal experience in government, academia and private practice. He has provided legal and policy advice, risk assessment and dispute resolution services to the Federal Government, ministers, statutory authorities, local governments, boards and senior management of private and public listed companies, parliamentary bodies, and committees of inquiry in commercial and administrative law matters. Mr Tsaknis appears as Counsel in the High Court of Australia, Supreme Court, Federal Court of Australia, administrative tribunals, and disciplinary and investigative bodies. He has prepared policy papers for the Committee of Australian Governments and the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, been responsible for the drafting and passage of legislation through the Federal Parliament, and acted for the Federal Government in relation to the Ratification of the International Conventions for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Rights of the Child and the Elimination of All Forms of Torture. Mr Tsaknis has lectured in Ethics and Administrative Law and is a speaker at professional development seminars.