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Laurel Sellers

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Laurel Sellers
Laurel Sellers
Chief Executive / Yorgum Healing Services Aboriginal Corporation
Most Notable Role

Laurel Sellers is a descendant of the Minang/Koreng people of the Noongah Nation. She has a Noongah mother and Yamitji father and was born and raised in Waggl Kaip, the country of her maternal grandmother. Ms Sellers worked for over 20 years in government, both State and Commonwealth. As a senior manager in Aboriginal Housing for 11 years, she managed housing programs and projects and their delivery to many Aboriginal communities throughout Western Australia. For 8 years, Ms Sellers worked for the Department of Corrective Services where she was responsible for ensuring the delivery of support to Aboriginal people in prisons through the very successful long running Aboriginal Visitors Scheme, which came about through the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. As chief executive of Yorgum Aboriginal Corporation, Ms Sellers maintained her passion and enthusiasm for working with the Aboriginal community to ensure culturally effective outcomes for Noongahs. She is particularly interested in making sure the workforce is professional and suitably trained to deliver a culturally appropriate but timely service to clients.

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