Kevin Piepgrass is a geologist with over 15 years of experience in the mineral exploration and development industry. He was exploration manager for Australian and Canadian junior companies with projects in North America (Victoria Gold Corporation & Orefinders Resources), South America (StrataGold Corporation) and East Africa (Nyota Minerals). Mr Piepgrass holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Alberta, Canada.
Kevin Piepgrass
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Kevin Piepgrass
Exploration Manager / Tempus Resources
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
220th | Tempus Resources | $391.98k | |
225th | Cauldron Energy | $354.26k | |
226th | Tombador Iron | $344.66k | |
227th | Dundas Minerals | $338.00k | |
228th | New World Resources | $329.92k |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
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Kevin Piepgrass is linked to 2 organisations which are included in 1 list - Public Companies - Resources WA.
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