Kelly Strong is the vice president for mining operations at Nyrstar in Tennessee, and is responsible for all of Nyrstar’s zinc mining and milling operations in Canada and the United States, operating the mining of polymetallic zinc ore bodies and associated products. Prior to joining Nyrstar, Mr Strong spent 14 years with Vale in various senior management roles which included working at their nickel operations in Indonesia. He was also responsible for mining and smelting operations in various parts of Canada and the UK. In his last role, he was vice president of the Ontario and UK operations where his portfolio included mining, smelting and refining operations of nickel, copper, cobalt and precious metals. Mr Strong holds a Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering from South Dakota Tech.
Kelly Strong
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Kelly Strong
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
483rd | Ironbark Zinc | $0 | |
494th | Lithium Energy | $0 | |
495th | - | Lithium Universe | $0 |
496th | Lustrum Minerals | $0 | |
497th | M3 Mining | $0 |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
1574th | Strickland Metals">Strickland Metals | -56.81% | 56.27% |
1575th | Alvo Minerals">Alvo Minerals | -57.11% | 0% |
1576th | Ironbark Zinc">Ironbark Zinc | -57.11% | -26.5% |
1577th | Magnum Mining & Exploration">Magnum Mining & Exploration | -57.13% | -24.17% |
1578th | First Graphene">First Graphene | -57.14% | -27.03% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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Positions - Previous
Position | Company | Year | Company's current rank |
Non-Executive Director
2017 - 2018 | 483 | |
Vice President, Ontario & UK Operations
2012 - 2015 |