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Kelly Slattery

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Kelly Slattery
Kelly Slattery
Non-Executive Chair / Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation
Most Notable Role

Kelly Slattery is a traditional owner of the Robe River Kuruma language group, located in the Pilbara and Ashburton region of Western Australia.

Ms Slattery has over 15 years of experience in community and industry engagement aimed at Indigenous employment and economic development. She has a background in community engagement and employment services including mentoring, development and support, and is committed to recognising opportunities for recruitment, retention and development that can be achieved through the employment processes.

    Related Information

    Access to our data for Kelly Slattery is only available to paid subscribers with Data & Insights access.

    Data & Insights is Western Australia's most accurate and comprehensive business listings and searchable database.

    Kelly Slattery is linked to 5 organisations which are included in 2 lists - Indigenous Corporations and Indigenous Charitable Trusts.

    To see the data you will need to Subscribe.
