Kelly Moore has key experience in financial reporting and corporate governance. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary with experience in corporate accounting and governance.
Ms Moore held a senior role in audit and assurance at a top tier professional services firm. During her career, she has gained extensive experience in the financial reporting and corporate governance requirements of a wide range of entities, both listed and unlisted, and has a detailed knowledge of financial statement compliance and preparation as well as an in-depth knowledge of both ASIC and ASX compliance requirements.
Ms Moore has experience across a variety of industry sectors including mining and energy, retail and manufacturing. She holds a number of company secretarial roles with listed entities.
Ms Moore holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia; is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia and New Zealand; a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; and an associate member of the Governance Institute of Australia.