Keith Skipper is a geologist, company executive and corporate non-executive director with over 40 years of diverse industry experiences. He holds a BSc. (Hons) in Geology from Reading University (UK) and a MSc (Geology) from McMaster University (Ontario, Canada). Mr Skipper is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, and a registered Professional Geologist in Alberta, Canada. His career experiences include evaluations and operations in many of the world’s petroleum basins including periods with AMOCO (acquired by BP), Bridge Oil in Sydney, PanCanadian Petroleum (now part of EnCana), and Antrim Energy in Calgary, Canada where he held technical, managerial and executive roles. Mr Skipper advises and consults to various academic, financial and corporate entities on oil and gas exploration, including coalseam gas and shale resource projects.