Katherine Blacklock was appointed MacMahon's manager of human resource in November 2016. She holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Anatomy) and Grad. Dip. Bus (HRM) with 25 years of experience in human resource management within the resources sectors. Prior to joining Macmahon, Mrs Blacklock was the human resources manager of international projects at Bis Industries, and founding director of HRwise which is a HR consultancy providing hands-on HR support to resource sector clients in Australia and internationally for 10 years.
Katherine Blacklock
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Katherine Blacklock
Manager, Human Resources / Macmahon Holdings
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
3rd | - | Perenti | $3.38bn |
4th | - | NRW Holdings | $2.94bn |
5th | Macmahon Holdings | $2.04bn | |
6th | Monadelphous | $2.02bn | |
7th | Austal | $1.55bn |
196 public companies - industrial WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
116th | Myer">Myer | 112.56% | 20.88% |
117th | Stellar Resources">Stellar Resources | 111.57% | 13.15% |
118th | Macmahon Holdings">Macmahon Holdings | 110.7% | 12.8% |
119th | MoneyMe">MoneyMe | 110.53% | 0% |
120th | SRG Global">SRG Global | 110.49% | 34.77% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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Katherine Blacklock is linked to 5 organisations which are included in 3 lists - Mining Services, Engineers and Public Companies - Industrial WA.
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