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John Cowdell

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John Cowdell
John Cowdell

John Cowdell AM was a politician and advisor to Kim Beazley before being appointed assistant secretary of the WA Labor Party. In 1993, Mr Cowdell was elected to the WA Legislative Council for the South West region. From 1997 to 2001, he was shadow minister for parliamentary and electoral affairs; and deputy president of the Council, becoming president in 2001. Mr Cowdell retired from politics in 2005.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma of Education, and was Dean of Kingswood College at the University of WA, president & vice president of the National Trust of WA, director & deputy chair of the Australian Council of National Trusts.

Mr Cowdell was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2001 and appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2010 for services to the Parliament of Western Australia, to regional development, and to the community, particularly through contributions to history and heritage.

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