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John Bertrand

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John Bertrand
President / Swimming Australia

John Bertrand AO is a dual Olympian and skippered Australia II to victory in the 1983 America's Cup. He was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia in 1985, in recognition of services to yachting. He was also awarded an Australian Sports Medal in 2000 for outstanding achievement in the America's Cup, Centenary Medal in 2001 for service to Australian society through sport, and named a Melbournian of the Year in 2008. Mr Bertrand has been chair of the Prime Minister's Alannah and Madeline Foundation since 2001 and The Sport Australia Hall of Fame since 2005. He received the Monash University's Distinguished Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011 and has been Vice Chancellor Professorial Fellow of Monash University since 2013.

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