Joan McKenna Kerr is chief executive of the Autism Association of Western Australia and has spent over 25 years working in the disability sector.
Ms McKenna Kerr is a member of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Advisory Council and was a member of the Commonwealth NDIS Advisory Group reporting to the COAG Select Council of Ministers & Treasurers. She is also chair of National Disability Services (NDS) WA division, and was previously its national president; a director and vice president of the Australian Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders; and board member of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
Her past commitments include chair of the National Register for Autism Spectrum Disorders; member of the Disability Future Directions Working Group; member of the Sector Development and Reform Working Party; president of the former Autism Council of Australia. Ms McKenna Kerr has also served on numerous working parties tasked with advising on disability sector development, sustainability, and reform.
She is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin where she gained a Moderatorship in Sociology, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.