Jeff Cooper is a past president of the Broome Fishing Club and former chair of Broome Boating Facility Community Reference Group. He is also a former board member for the Marine Park Reserves Authority, and a representative of the International Game Fishing Association. Mr Cooper is the portfolio manager of North Regional TAFE (former Kimberley Training Institute) for aquaculture, fisheries, maritime (including the Broome Maritime Simulation Centre), ASD training, logistics, aviation, warehousing, children’s services, aged care, community services, and short courses. He oversees training program development and implementation across 1 million sqm of area including the Kimberley and Pilbara. He has the ability to undertake complex programs including large scale barramundi restocking activities, bespoke high end maritime simulation work, broad scale training programs in extremely remote Aboriginal communities, and customised training activities for large clients. Mr Cooper is an avid recreational angler and has been a major proponent for barramundi stock enhancement in the Kimberley. He has been heavily involved with restocking Dampier creek, and was project leader for the Lake Kununurra Restocking project. He has been a mentor for Recfishwest's Young Future Leaders programs. Mr Cooper is extremely enthusiastic about game fishing and has previously worked with Dr Julian Pepperell to tag sailfish with PSAT, and SPOT tags to determine their movements and behaviours around Broome as part of a Woodside funded program.