Dr Jayson Meyers is an accomplished academic and industry leader with a focus on geology, geophysics and geochemistry. He worked with gold, manganese, iron, base metals, industrial metals, coal and diamond resources in many countries including extensive work in Asia, Oceania, America, as well as East and West Africa, with a global understanding of geology.
Dr Meyers founded Resource Potentials in 2001, and is a principal geophysicist and director of the company. Past roles included Sinosteel, Great Central Mines Group and other mining companies in a senior geotechnical capacity. He was also the managing director and non-executive director of Alloy Resources for 3 years.
Dr Meyers has been published in a variety of exploration and geology journals, lectured at the University of Papua New Guinea, and is an Associate Professor of Exploration Geophysics at Curtin University’s WA School of Mines.
Dr Meyers holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology from California State University, Masters of Science in Geochemistry and a Doctorate of Marine Geology and Geophysics from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine Science.