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Janet Preuss

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Janet Preuss
Janet Preuss
Executive Director / Metavone

Dr Janet Preuss has a scientific research background with business and company director skills.

Dr Preuss has experience in the commercialisation of technology, particularly in the biotechnology sector, and has worked in academia, government and private, public and not‑for‑profit organisations and at various levels, including at a Board and executive management level industry.

Dr Preuss’ qualifications include a PhD in Pharmacology, and business qualifications obtained through an MBA (Advanced). She is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Director’s Corporate Governance course.

Dr Preuss has founded two companies that provide services to the biotechnology/life sciences industry, including the commercialisation of new technologies through activities such as writing business plans and commercialisation strategies, to providing hands-on experience in the establishment of quality management systems and in obtaining regulatory approvals.

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