Associate Professor James Miller-Jones received his PhD from the University of Oxford. Following a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Amsterdam, he spent three years at NRAO Charlottesville as a Jansky Fellow before joining the Curtin node of ICRAR as a Curtin Research Fellow in 2010. In 2014, he won an ARC Future Fellowship to study the process of low-luminosity accretion onto stellar-mass black holes. He was appointed as an Associate Professor in 2016, and took on the role of acting science director at ICRAR-Curtin in 2017. Dr Miller-Jones' work investigates the nature of relativistic jets from stellar-mass compact objects and their connection to the process of accretion, using many of the world’s most powerful radio telescopes in concert with facilities from across the electromagnetic spectrum to determine how such jets are launched, and their impact on the surrounding environment. The Square Kilometre Array and its precursor facilities, including the Murchison Widefield Array and MeerKAT, will allow him to study jet-producing radio transients in unprecedented detail.