Mr Tarutia is an experienced corporate executive for over 25 years with a background in superannuation, finance, banking, investments, governance and strategic management. He is also an experienced board room director with over 18 years' experience on various public and private sector Boards in PNG, Australia and the Pacific region. He was CEO of National Superannuation Fund of Papua New Guinea for 15 years from July 2007 until he retired on the 31 March 2023 and established NCSL in 2003 for Nasfund members which is the largest savings & loan society in the Pacific today by membership size. Today he runs his consultancy practice and is the current President of the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce & Industry. He is a former President of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors and former Chairman of the Pacific Islands Investment Forum, an organization of superannuation funds in the Pacific and New Zealand.
Ian Tarutia
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NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Director, BSP Financial Group | 11 Jul 2024 |